Lung cellular senescence in COVID-19
The major cause of death from COVID-19 is Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), a term describing thesevere pneumonia resulting from injury to the lung. ARDS can be caused by a range of lung infections but also by so-called “sterile” lung injury, such as from drowning, or if a large volume of acidic gastric contents is introduced into thelung when airway protective reflexes are impaired. ARDS can also result from illnesses outside of the thorax—massive trauma, for instance, or pancreatitis. What ARDS is not is also important to consider; heart failure patientsroutinely have back up of pressures into the pulmonary circulation, which results in flooding of the lung across smallblood vessels and low arterial oxygen content. However, in this case, the problem is pressure. In ARDS, on the otherhand, it is well worked out that blood vessels are made leaky by inflammation, which then leads to lung flooding withplasma from the blood.
After this early flooding event, in ARDS, because of the injurious effects of both pathogens and theinflammatory responses to them, the lung structures are not only flooded but also injured. What does injury mean? Inpart, cells of the alveoli (the cluster of grapes-like structure where oxygen in the air passes to the blood and carbondioxide passes back to the air) are destroyed. Another problem that has been recognized in recent mouse models oflung injury1,2 is a process called senescence, where cells detect damage and literally shut down—they stopreplicating and are therefore unable to participate in the regenerative response—the formation of new alveoli-that isnecessary to restore lung gas exchange.
Senescence is defined fundamentally as a failure to replicate. It is a response to the detection by the cell ofDNA damage, which happens in many kinds of injury; as an anti-cancer strategy, senescence is an adaptiveresponse. In other words, detecting DNA damage that could be cancer-causing, the cell shuts down replication to nipthe cancer process in the bud. However, for non-cancerous injury or viral infection, this is not necessarily helpful. For one thing, a senescence response has been associated with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), a chronic scarringdisease of the lung. Senescent cells send out signals to the immune system to get themselves removed—but thesesignals themselves can cause inflammation and, ultimately, scar formation.
In this month’s Science Translational Medicine, Scott Budinger’s group have reported data for three patientswhose lungs were so severely injured by SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) that lung transplantation was performed3. Dr. Budinger and colleagues performed analysis of the lungs by both microscopy and gene expressionprofiling at the single cell level. All three lung explants were devoid of any evidence of residual SARS-CoV-2,consistent with the long duration (several weeks) between the onset of illness and their transplants. Interestingly, features consistent with lung fibrosis were prominent. From the earliest days, experts have noted a high incidence offibrosis in COVID-194. What we don’t know is what causes it, and whether it is reversible. Analysis of single cell datafrom three late-stage COVID-19 lungs compared to non-COVID lungs and published single cell data for IPF5 revealedthe presence of a senescent epithelial population that was highly similar in both late-stage COVID-19 and IPF but absent in normal lungs. These findings are important because they suggest a common fibrotic process stemming fromepithelial cell senescence. Senolytics, drugs that target senescent cells for destruction, have just begun to be testedfor IPF6. The results of the Budinger study motivate the hypothesis that senolytics may have a role in the treatment ofsevere COVID-19 ARDS, for the amelioration of the observed adverse fibrotic and impaired regenerative response due to cell senescence. How the virus induces senescence is unknown and will surely be addressed by future research.
By By Mallar Bhattacharya
1 Schafer, M. J. et al. Cellular senescence mediates fibrotic pulmonary disease. Nat Commun 8, 14532, doi:10.1038/ncomms14532 (2017).
2 Strunz, M. et al. Alveolar regeneration through a Krt8+ transitional stem cell state that persists in human lung fibrosis. Nat Commun 11, 3559, doi:10.1038/s41467-020-17358-3 (2020).
3 Bharat, A. et al. Lung transplantation for patients with severe COVID-19. Sci Transl Med 12, doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.abe4282 (2020).
4 George, P. M., Wells, A. U. & Jenkins, R. G. Pulmonary fibrosis and COVID-19: the potential role for antifibrotic therapy. Lancet Respir Med 8, 807-815, doi:10.1016/S2213-2600(20)30225-3 (2020).
5 Habermann, A. C. et al. Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals profibrotic roles of distinct epithelial and mesenchymal lineages in pulmonary fibrosis. Sci Adv 6, eaba1972, doi:10.1126/sciadv.aba1972 (2020).
6 Justice, J. N. et al. Senolytics in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Results from a first-in-human, open-label, pilot study. EBioMedicine 40, 554-563, doi:10.1016/j.ebiom.2018.12.052 (2019).
Summary schema of Bharat et al describing the possible role of epithelial cell senescence in COVID-19-associated lung injury.